Sunday School & VBS
***There is no cost or registration necessary for any of these opportunities to study God's Word***
If you are interested in learning more, please contact the church office
Sunday School
Christian education is one of the foundation stones of the Christian faith. Our Lord has commanded that His church teach about His saving work by teaching the Word of God. All children are invited to attend Immanuel's Sunday School beginning at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday morning, September through May.
All lessons are Christ-centered and grounded in well-known stories of the Bible through which our children come to know about the forgiveness, life and salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ gives to us by faith in Him.
Vacation Bible School
In addition to Sunday School, Immanuel Willow Creek also holds an annual Vacation Bible School in June or July for all children, 4 years-old through sixth grade who wish to attend.